PROJECTS - Medical Devices
We provide solutions to achieving a 510k compliant or PMA medical design. We offer a variety of services that meets your goals to get product to market, from software to electrical engineering and project management.
Medical Device Infusion Pump
IEC-62304 Compliance.
Embedded software development for ST and Ti MCU's in C++, C and Assembler. HAL and driver development for SPI, I2C, GPIO. STM32 Peripheral Library. Power management. CppUnitLite was integrating into the project for Unit Tests. Wrote both automated test code, and manual unit test procotols. Agile Software Development. Tools validation. Tools: Eclipse, gcc, gdb, Doxygen, Segger, Teamcity, Subversion, Jira, Code Composer, Slickedit, Tektronix Oscillocope.
Medical Device Home Hemodialysis
IEC-62304 Compliance.
Embedded software development for NXP and Microchip MCU's in C. Qt for test interface tool in C++. CANopen used to communicate between internal nodes. Barcode scanner and serial port UART driver development integrating HIBC standard protocol on barcodes. RFID development. Bootloader development for ARM and DsPIC cyber-security image loading using PKCS#1 public/private keys over CANopen. Unity unit testing. Software Requirements Specification, Software Detailed Design spec development. Requirements entry into Cognition Cockpit. Agile Software Development. Tools: Eclipse, gcc, gdb, Segger, PC-Lint Static Analysis, MP-LabX, Qt, Subversion, Doxygen, Graphviz, Slickedit.
Medical Device Blood Analyzer (pH, PCO2, PO2, Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl–, and Hct and Glucose)
IEC-62304 Compliance.
Team lead - introduced Agile Software Development and new processes for development and SQA. Introduced new technologies to upgrade an existing analyzer to state of the art development tools and processes, new SOPs, and hardware/software implementation. Embedded software development for ARM A9 iMX6 SOM and NXP ARM M4 MCUs. C++ code. Ubuntu with VMWare PC software development. Server configuration and setup - Ubuntu. Tools: Coverity Static Analysis, Jenkins, Seapine Test Track, Seapine Surround SCM, Git, Eclipse, gcc, gdb, Doxygen, Segger, Redmine issue tracking, Slickedit, Tek Oscopes.
Medical Device Image Analysis / Vision System
IEC-62304 Compliance.
Embedded software development for NXP ARM M3 MCU. C code. LPCOpen HAL and driver abstraction layer development. Board-bringup. Software tools installation and documentation. Intefaces to proprietary devices over SPI, UARTs, GPIOs. Tools validation. Tools: Eclipse, gcc, gdb, LPCXpresso, LPCOpen, Doxygen, Segger, Subversion, Slickedit, Tek Oscopes.